Master your camera controls

19-27 May 2018, online

Make the most of your camera with this 10-day intensive course including daily Q&A sessions with Emma. All questions about aperture and shutter speed will be answered, including any questions you have about your particular camera. 

If you've struggled to remember how aperture and shutter speed work, or you want to dedicate 10 days to make it sink in once and for all, this is the course for you. 

There are 5 lessons, each designed to take about half a day to complete, with plenty of time in-between to let each lesson sink in before you move on. Emma is on hand throughout, from Saturday 19 May to Sunday 27 May inclusive.

You will start the course unsure about apertures, depth of field and shutter speed. You might be incredibly nervous about shooting off auto in case you miss the shot. You might find all the numbers confusing. 

You will finish the course confident that you can find your way around your camera. You will be able to remember which settings to use and why. You will be creatively softening the background and creating motion blur like the pros. You'll be able to get front-to-back focus in your landscape shots, and freeze the action in your fast moving subject shots.


Who is this course for?

You have started to shoot off auto mode, but you are not confident.

You know what aperture and shutter speed are in theory, but you can't always remember what to do when you are out with your camera.

You want to know instinctively when to use a long shutter speed, and when to use a short one; and when to use a large aperture and when to use a narrow one.

You want to be able to remember what all the fractions and the f-numbers mean mean.

You want to be able to shoot confidently on aperture and shutter priority modes, without having to stop and think so you miss the shot.

Who is this course NOT for?

If you already shoot confidently on aperture or shutter priority, or manual mode, it will be too basic for you.

If you have only just got your camera, and barely know how to turn it on, it will be too advanced for you. If this is you, sign up for my free online course for complete beginners at, and then come back for the next intensive.

What is included?

The course starts on 19 May, and includes:

- 5 lessons spread over 10 days

- unlimited Q&A with Emma (she will be available during working hours, UK time)

- printable worksheets

What is the curriculum?

Lesson 1: Priority Modes & Exposure Compensation

Lesson 2: Creative Wide Apertures

Lesson 3: Creative Narrow Apertures

Lesson 4: Using A Tripod (Or Tripod Substitute)

Lesson 5: Creative Shutter Speeds

What do you need, to take part

You need a camera that can shoot on aperture and shutter priority modes.

You do not need a tripod - alternative supports are explained, including things like a bag of rice or a pile of books.

You need about half a day to do each lesson.

If you want to print the worksheets, you'll need access to a printer.

How long will you have access to the course?

Emma will be available to answer questions only during the time the course is live (19 - 27 May). The course will stay online for a further 3 months during which time you will have access to the lessons. 

How many students?

Places are limited to 30 students.

When will the course run again?

Not until October 2018.

What if you are unhappy with the course? 

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, and you took part in the initial feedback sessions, contact Emma within 30 days for a full refund.

How much fun is it?

More than you'd expect. It's not all learning numbers and doing maths. Trickier concepts are explained with interactive slides like this one:

Your instructor

Emma Davies

Commercial and fine art flower photographer. Photography instructor. Travel Photographer of the Year 2017: finalist. International Garden Photographer of the Year 2016: shortlisted. Published in The Telegraph, Gardens Illustrated and by the BBC. Books: #1 Amazon bestselling beginner's photography workbook, A Year With My Camera, The British Flowers Book, Beginner's Landscape Photography.

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Reinforce what you know; commit it to long term memory